Volunteers in transport: pandemic and shortage hamper recruitment

The labor shortage and the pandemic are making it difficult to recruit volunteers, while several organizations including Nez Rouge are struggling to find volunteers, especially when it comes to transportation.

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“The recruitment of volunteers is always an issue and in terms of transport, indeed, it got complicated with the pandemic”, launches from the outset Michel Alexandre Cauchon, general manager of the Federation of volunteer centers of Quebec. (FCABQ).

Mr. Cauchon indicates that the issue is explained in particular by the fears related to Covid-19 that volunteers may have, but also because the government recommendations – which concern the taxi industry, carpooling and support in voluntary transport – are very restrictive.

“It’s a 13-page document,” drops Mr. Cauchon. It slows down a lot of people who would like to give of their time ”.

Among the recommendations, we find in particular the installation of a partition. Volunteers can no longer make multiple addresses, since there must be only one beneficiary at a time and proof of vaccination is mandatory.

The FCABQ has around 40 volunteer transport positions to fill.

“Of the 40 positions, we only received three applications. Usually, these are positions that can be filled quite well, ”continues the CEO.

He adds that the exorbitant price of gasoline is not helping their cause.

Operation Red Nose (ONR) saw the same situation, while the escort campaign began this evening.

“It is now possible to believe that the pandemic is exacerbating our usual challenges in recruiting volunteers,” said Anne-Marie Audet, general manager of ONR.

She, too, believes that recruiting more difficult this year is caused not only by the pandemic, but also by the shortage of manpower.


The TZ Capitale-Nationale organization, which also offers escort services, is no exception either.

“Since the pandemic, [bénévoles] are not back. We contact them, but it seems that they are less inclined to do so ”laments Daniel Bédard, the general manager.

Mr. Bédard indicates that they normally have a pool of occasional volunteers of between 250 and 300 drivers.

“There, I would say that we have a hundred”, he estimates.

When the holidays arrive, this situation worries them. In December, TZ Capitale-Nationale makes between 9 and 11,000 rides.

“It takes people who come to do it. Many companies call us to benefit from our services during their office party. We fear that we cannot [accommoder tout le monde]», Shares Mr. Bédard.

In addition to the pandemic, he believes that the reality of several volunteers may have changed, which explains their absence. The labor shortage decreases the availability.

“Before, they had more time for themselves, but there, they are solicited by their employers to work overtime,” he argues.

The Quebec Volunteer Action Center reports the same situation.

“Transport is more difficult. This is the offer to which it responds the least, ”confirms the general manager, Catherine Montour.


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