Volunteers get busy on the eve of the Nommay Cyclo-cross

The volunteers do full of vitamins and friendliness during their short lunch break at the room next to the church of Vieux-Charmont. It takes bursts of laughter and plates of pasta to satiate them. “The lunch break is always a time when we take stock and relaunch the work of the afternoon”believes Dominique Pepoli, Cyclo-cross logistics manager.

This year, Nommay is hosting two French Cup cyclo-cross events
© Radio France

Nicolas Joly

“What keeps us going is the atmosphere”

Because the task, almost entirely slaughtered in three weeks, is considerable. “There are about 1,500 stakes to plant, nets to put up. It’s already very long”says the president of the Montbéliard bike club, Alain Boutonnet. “Our elders are more like retirees so we know how to hit the ground running, but at some point, it gets tiring!”


Acclaimed on his arrival, the president of the organization of the Cyclo-cross Denis Mercier is happy to still see smiles on facesafter three weeks of hard work. “It’s what keeps us going, it’s the atmosphere”he said. “We are in the euphoria of the organization. This is the important moment for the volunteers. Conviviality is the key word in our association and this is what means that we have no difficulty to bring together 350 people”. It expects a large audience, especially because access to the circuit is free this year.

the Cyclo-cross program is to be found here

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