volunteers from all countries flock to Ukraine to fight in the Donbass

In Ukraine, Russian strikes are concentrated in the Donbass. Volunteer fighters on the spot describe hell: the incessant shelling, civilians trapped in shelters and targeted if they try to get out. Among these soldiers, some are volunteers, engaged from all countries to fight the Russians in Ukraine, a little on the model of the International Brigades during the war in Spain.

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In kyiv, where franceinfo met them before their departure for the Donbass, the instructions are displayed in Ukrainian and English. Sitting in the canteen, four Brazilians have their instructions translated by a Portuguese woman. Even the commander has chosen an international nom de guerre: John. He struggles to remember all the countries of origin of his soldiers: Taiwan, Great Britain, Scotland, Spain, Lithuania, Sweden, Georgia. In all, twenty nationalities.

Sacha, who has distant family ties in Ukraine, is Argentinian: “We are in a free and democratic country, and in this war, it is the civilians who suffer the most…”he says.

“A lot of civilians died because the Russians came here to fight the Ukrainian army, but they took civilians as civilian targets. Children, women. It’s very hard.”

Exhausted by the battle he fought last month, he takes the time to give news to his wife and children on the other side of the Atlantic.

On the upper floor, American soldiers already engaged in Syria and Afghanistan are resting. It was also necessary to find a room for Muslim Azeri soldiers who wanted to pray. Vassilena, logistics member of this unit cannot believe this commitment which goes beyond borders.

“I was very surprised that people could abandon their daily life, their comfort to come and risk their lives here, she explains. For us, it is really a great pleasure to feel that so many people, so many countries are on our side and ready to help us. The whole world is with us, while Russia is alone against all of us. Either everyone helps us and we are united to destroy this evil, or we are alone and we will not be the last victims.” A battle that continues for these men in the Donbass and in Kharkiv, where new units have been deployed since Wednesday.

War in Ukraine: these foreigners who come to fight the Russian army – Report by Faustine Calmel and Jérémy Tuil


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