volunteers disgusted after the attack on several associations


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

F. Prabonnaud, M. Arribe, F. Bouquillat, M. Mouamma, A. Belderrain, L. Sabas, France 3 Regions – France 2

France Televisions

Several associations are dismayed. Branches of the Red Cross or the Secours Populaire were set on fire or ransacked. In Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis), it was the heart bus that was destroyed by the flames.

All that remains is a charred carcass of what was the heart bus. He had settled in Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis) to offer residents free cardiovascular screening. But it was set on fire during the second night of riots, on June 30, angering the beneficiaries.There are some who can’t get treatment and there, we were given the opportunity to come and get treatment, it was free, it’s a shame“, judges a woman.

300,000 euros in damage

For two years, the bus has been traveling through medical deserts to screen for cardiovascular disease in nearly 7,000 women. Inside, the state-of-the-art equipment went up in smoke, to the laughter of those filming the scene. Its co-founder, cardiologist in Lille (Nord), is still in shock.It costs 300,000 euros, the bus, the caravan, all the equipment that was lost“, specifies Claire Mounier-Vehier. But there is no question of giving up. An online kitty has been launched so that the bus leaves in September to treat women.

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