Volunteer firefighter since the age of 12, Maxime Journet recounts his very intense scorching summer in Mayenne

Mayenne firefighters will end a particularly difficult summer. Because of global warming, and its significant heat waves, the emergency services intervened nearly 250 times on forest and vegetation fires. Maxime Journet, a 20-year-old volunteer firefighter, recounts his experience.

In Mayenne, the 1,400 volunteer firefighters were put to the test this summer, because of the high temperatures, as were the 116 professional firefighters. Nearly 250 vegetation and forest fires have been recorded by the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS 53). It was also necessary to ensure the so-called “routine” interventions, for example, personal assistance.


If there is one who has not spared his mount, it is Maxime Journet. The 20-year-old boy arrived in Mayenne a year and a half ago and is training as an engineer at Estaca de Laval. He devoted his free time to others, to the fire and rescue center in the Mayenne capital. “I did not go on vacation this summer to be able to take availability in the CSP Laval. Some people have to make sacrifices to be able to ensure the safety of fellow citizens.“explains the young volunteer firefighter.

The need to recruit

Maxime Journet intervened several times on forest and vegetation fires. “Today, there is a little fatigue. This summer we moved on to another level of intervention. We are entering a new dimension now with global warming. This is the first time that we have known so many forest fires, so devastating. The volunteer firefighters were extremely busy during this period,” explains the young man. “The fire brigade needs to recruit, it is a necessity” he concludes.

Committed since the age of 12

Originally from Aude, Maxime Journet has had a sense of commitment since he was twelve years old. It is, however, the age of recklessness, of fun but “like all small children, we see the red truck, it immediately makes us want to get in” he smiles. The neo-Mayenne therefore became a young firefighter by joining a firefighter training center near his home. “You start your first lessons. It’s a bit like school. You have ranks like firefighters and you start to learn extinguishing techniques. The first gestures that save” says the student. And if his parents could have been surprised by such an early choice of life, it is pride that dominates them. “They quickly realized that feeling useful to society was very important to me“.

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