Volodymyr Zelensky travels to Mykolaiv and Odessa for one of his rare trips outside Kyiv

Ukrainian president’s visit comes a day after Russian strike killed two people and injured 20 others in Mykolayiv.

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, whose trips outside the capital kyiv have been rare since the start of the Russian invasion, paid a visit on Saturday, June 18, for the first time to the locality of Mykolaiv in southern Ukraine. . The visit comes a day after a Russian strike killed two people and injured 20 in the city.

A video, released by the Ukrainian presidency, shows him inspecting a badly damaged residential building and holding a meeting with local officials. President Volodymyr Zelensky also handed out awards for bravery in what looked like an underground basement. Mykolaiv remains a target for Moscow as it lies on the route to Odessa, Ukraine’s largest port, 130 km to the southwest.

Volodymyr Zelensky then went to the neighboring region of Odessa, according to his press service. “I want to thank you on behalf of the Ukrainian people, on behalf of our state, for your great work, for your heroic service”he told the military in the Odessa region. “It is important that you are alive. As long as you are alive, there is a strong Ukrainian wall protecting our country”he continued.

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