Volodymyr Zelensky says he is ready for negotiations, but not in Belarus

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09:36 : Among other information of the night, the Russian army claims to have surrounded and “completely blocked two large cities in southern Ukraine: Kherson and Berdiansk, with 290,000 and 110,000 inhabitants respectively.

09:27 : “The problem is not that Putin is smart, because of course he is smart”continued Donald Trump. “The real problem is that our leaders are so stupid”he said, blaming Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on the “weakness” of his successor Joe Biden.

09:26 : “Meanwhile as we say in English, Donald Trump praises Vladimir Putin. For him, NATO “seems anything but smart” by hitting Russia with sanctions.


09:18 : Volodymyr Zelensky declares in a video posted this morning on social networks that the night was “tough” in Ukraine, with Russian bombardments having targeted, according to him, inhabited areas. “There is nothing today that the occupier does not consider a legitimate target”deplores the Ukrainian leader.

09:13 : For his part, Vladimir Putin praised the role of the special forces in the invasion, expressing “special recognition to those who heroically fulfill their duty” in Ukraine.

09:09 : “Warsaw, Bratislava, Budapest, Istanbul, Baku. We offered them all. And any other city would suit us.”

The Ukrainian president rejects the Russian proposal for talks in Belarus, because this country serves as a rear base for the invasion of Ukraine. He asserts, however, that “any other city” would suit.


09:06 : The Kremlin had already mentioned talks on Friday, but several Ukrainian officials had indicated that it was not a serious proposal, Moscow seeking to obtain the surrender of Ukraine. Immediately after the proposal to open the dialogue, Vladimir Putin called on the Ukrainian army to carry out a coup and called the country’s authorities “Clique of drug addicts and neo-Nazis”.

09:04 : A delegation of representatives of “ministries of foreign affairs, defense and other services, including the presidential administration arrived in Belarus for negotiations with the Ukrainians”said the spokesman of the Russian presidency, quoted by the national agencies.

09:03 : Ukrainian president says he is ready for negotiations with Moscow, but not in Belarus.

09:01 : The Kremlin assures that it is ready to negotiate with Ukraine and proposes a meeting in Belarus.

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