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Ukraine has been preparing for several weeks to launch its major counter-offensive against Russia. An update on the situation, Saturday June 10, with journalist Stéphanie Perez, in duplex from Zaporijia.
Volodymyr Zelensky recognized for the first time, Saturday June 10, “counter-offensive actions”. “But true to his strategy, he remains unclear. No details, no confirmation that this is indeed the great counter-attack announced for weeks”says journalist Stéphanie Perez, in duplex from Zaporijia (Ukraine).
Russian resistance “much stronger” than expected
A team from France Télévisions went near the front line, in the region of Zaporijia. “We were able to observe, indeed, the intensification of the bombardments, (…) and we were able to speak with certain soldiers, who spoke to us about these last three days in the trenches. And they confirm to us that the Russian resistance is much stronger than they had expected”, continues the journalist. According to them, the Russian forces have “reinforced their numbers in the trenches” as well as “their artillery“.