Volodymyr Zelensky recognizes “extremely difficult” situation at several points on the front

Faced with the Russian army, kyiv concedes difficulties. Volodymyr Zelensky admitted on Monday February 19 that the Ukrainian army was facing a situation “extremely difficult at several points of the front line, where Russian troops have concentrated maximum reserves.” In his daily message, the Ukrainian president added that his country lacked artillery and needed front-line anti-aircraft defense as much as longer-range weapons. Russian forces “taking advantage of the delay in aid to Ukraine”, pointed out Volodymyr Zelensky. This live is now over.

kyiv calls the blockade on the Polish border a “threat to security”. Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov described Monday as “security threat” of Ukraine the blockade by Polish farmers of the border between the two countries. “Such actions have a negative impact on our confrontation with the common enemy called Russia”he denounced on the social network “Not only are agricultural products blocked, but they block everything. There are trucks with fuel. A few days ago there were cases where demonstrators did not let several trucks loaded with weapons pass “, he later clarified on national television. According to the ministry, six checkpoints are currently blocked on the Polish side of the border.

Ukrainian children repatriated from Russia with the mediation of Qatar. Eleven Ukrainian children were due to leave Russia for Ukraine on Monday to be reunited with their families, a new transfer carried out with the mediation of Qatar. Aged between 2 and 16, these children and their relatives were welcomed Monday at the Qatari embassy in Moscow and are due to reach Ukraine on Tuesday via Belarusian territory, according to AFP. A total of 59 children have already been repatriated to Ukraine through this mechanism, according to Moscow. Russia is accused by kyiv of having “deported” thousands of children towards its territory from the regions it occupies in Ukraine. Moscow, for its part, assures that it transferred these children to ensure their safety in the face of fighting and to be ready to hand them over to their relatives in Ukraine if they request it.

China assures Ukraine that it “does not sell lethal weapons” to Russia. This was assured by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba. Despite the conflict, China remains a very important trading and diplomatic partner of Russia, with the two countries sharing the common ambition of counterbalancing Western influence on the international stage.

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