Volodymyr Zelensky did not threaten to exterminate all Russians “one by one”


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In a tweet, relayed thousands of times, François Asselineau denounces a genocidal call for the extermination of all Russian civilians by the Ukrainian president. The president of the UPR relies on an excerpt from a video posted on October 1 by Volodymyr Zelensky.

Did Volodymyr Zelensky threaten to exterminate all Russians “one by one”? This is affirmed by the pro-Russian sphere in France, such as François Asselineau, leader of the Union Populaire Républicaine. In a tweet relayed thousands of timeshe denounced a genocidal call for the extermination of all Russian civilians by the Ukrainian President, adding: This statement is akin to outright Nazism “.

The president of the UPR relies on an excerpt from a video posted on October 1 by the Ukrainian president, which says: “you will be eliminated one by one, becoming scapegoats, because you do not admit that this war is a historic mistake for Russia”.

Many French media have taken up this same extract, also evoking, without the excesses of François Asselineau, a threat addressed by Zelensky to the Russian people, as long as Putin is still in place.

But the excerpt lacks context. In this speech, posted following the liberation of the city of Lyman, the Ukrainian president commented on the tensions that the military defeat has caused in the upper echelons of the Russian army. Noting that some generals are already being blamed for the failure, he warns Russian leaders that they too will be scapegoated one by one as long as Putin is in office. Which has little to do with the interpretation made of Zelensky’s remarks in France.

In the Ukrainian press, but also the independent Russian press, it is clearly stated that the president’s warning was addressed to the Russian leaders (and not to the people or the soldiers), in a context of settling scores following the defeats military.

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