Volodymyr Zelensky accuses Russia of bombing a maternity hospital and killing a newborn baby

What there is to know

“The terrorist state continues to wage war on civilians.” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia on Wednesday, November 23, of bombing a maternity hospital in the city from Vilnyansk in the Zaporizhia region. A baby born in 2022 died”said the state service for emergencies on Telegram. The child’s mother and a doctor were injured. “The enemy has once again decided to try to accomplish by terror and murder what they could not accomplish in nine months”denounced the Ukrainian President. Follow our live.

kyiv warns the EU against fatigue. “If we Ukrainians are not tired, the rest of Europe has no moral or political right to get tired”, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said on Tuesday. He also called for “finalize the ninth package of sanctions as soon as possible” against Moscow, which islong awaited”.

Zelensky appeals to French mayors. Ukraine’s president has called on French mayors to provide aid to his country to prevent Russia from using the cold this winter “as a weapon of mass destruction”in a message broadcast during the congress of the Association of Mayors of France (AMF) in Paris. “We need a lot of things”he assured.

A Ukrainian drone attack in Crimea. In the annexed peninsula, the Moscow-installed governor of the Sevastopol region reported “an attack with drones”. “Our air defense forces are in action at this very moment”said Mikhail Razvojayev on Telegram, calling on residents to “keep calm”. The attack caused no casualties, nor any damage to civilian infrastructure.

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