Volodymyr Zelensky accuses Moscow of preparing “a terrorist attack” at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, Russia denies

Volodymyr Zelensky, Thursday, June 22, accused Russia of preparing a “terrorist attack with radiation release” at the Zaporizhia power plant occupied by Russian troops in southern Ukraine. “This time it shouldn’t be like with [le barrage] by Kakhovka : the world has been warned, therefore the world can and must act”, did he declare. In response, the Kremlin denounced “a lie” from the President of Ukraine. Follow our live.

A bridge between annexed Crimea and Ukraine, damaged. “During the night, a strike hit the bridge of Tchongar. There is no victim”said the Russian governor of annexed Crimea, adding that the damage was being assessed and calling on residents to calm down. Crimea serves in particular as a logistics rear base for the Russian forces deployed in southern Ukraine.

Evguéni Prigojine accuses the Russian army of “hiding” the difficulties. The leader of the paramilitary group Wagner is still attacking the Russian military hierarchy. Since the beginning of the Ukrainian counter-offensive, “the enemy occupies Piatykhaty, the north of Robotyne, and Urojaine, which means that large swaths of territory have been losts” by the Russians, he denounced on Telegram.

The counter-offensive not as fast as hoped. According to the Institute for the Study of War, the slower-than-expected overall pace of the Ukrainian counteroffensive “is not representative of Ukraine’s wider attacking potential”, specify the center on Twitter. “Ukrainian forces are likely setting the conditions for a major future effort, despite initial setbacks.”

New financial aid for Kyiv. EU countries will donate another 3.5 billion euros to the fund for the European Peace Facility, used to finance their arms supplies to Ukraine and military missions abroad. The initial endowment of 5.7 billion, allocated for 7 years, melted in just one year.

New sanctions for Russia. EU member states also agreed on an 11th package of restrictive measures against Russia, intended in particular to avoid the circumvention of the sanctions already in place. He “includes measures aimed at combating the circumvention of sanctions and individual sanctions”, said Sweden, which holds the rotating EU Council Presidency.

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