Voice your anger at the patriarchy

Systemic sexism, insecurity, violence: some women have decided to let their anger speak out and be indignant at the “men’s world” in which they live. Invited from Bintily Diallo in “C’est la vie” Taous Merakchi is the author of the book Worship – to be an angry woman in a man’s world.

Taous Merakchi has chosen to speak out, through her book, by fully assuming her anger, which she describes as a “venerable” state. Because fear should not exist in the face of men and their way of governing society when you are a woman, she reacts to the testimonies of listeners of France Bleu.

Insecurity is a very present feeling for women when they are in public space: a quarter of them are afraid to go out alone. Three-quarters of them have already experienced a sexist act or have been the recipient of sexist remarks.

Today, women wish to have more freedom, to be equal to men and not to have to justify their personal choices.

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