Vladimir Putin’s head put on a price by a Russian billionaire, huge reward at stake

It would be all we could wish for him, that he was actually eliminated physically, for this to stop “, declared Jean Asselborn, head of Luxembourg diplomacy, at the microphone of Radio 100.7, referring to the assassination of Vladimir Putin. Words that elicited strong reactions. Aware of his clumsiness, the Luxembourg politician made a point of apologizing through a press release. ” The two words “physically eliminate” escaped me. I know a foreign minister should never use such words. Even after 18 years as Foreign Minister, I am unable to suppress my emotions and my sense of justice, in the face of such immeasurable human suffering endured by innocent people. »

However, Jean Asselborn is not the only one to mention the potential elimination of the President of the Russian Federation. A Russian businessman based in the United States is said to have offered a colossal sum for the head of Vladimir Putin. Indeed, Alex Konanykhin promises to offer 1 million dollars (about 900,000 euros) to whoever succeeds in killing the head of state.

The banker notably expressed himself on his Facebook account this Monday, February 28, 2022 in order to announce the reward promised to the officer or officers for the arrest of a “ war criminal in Russian and international law. » « As a Russian by ethnicity and citizenship, I see it as a moral duty to facilitate the denazification of Russia “, he added.

For his part, Vladimir Putin is also well surrounded. Bernie Ecclestone, British billionaire wanted to defend the leader. ” He is a very direct person and an honorable man, he does exactly what he said he had to do, without any discussion. It is up to the people involved in the event to decide. How can we judge what is happening? There may be people who think Russia is right. »

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