Vladimir Putin will receive his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday

(Moscow) Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet in the Kremlin on Wednesday with Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, the Russian presidency announced in a statement on Tuesday.

“Topical issues regarding the development of Russian-Syrian cooperation in the political, economic, trade and humanitarian spheres will be discussed, as well as the prospects for a coordinated settlement of the situation in Syria and around the country,” the Kremlin said. .

Mr. Assad arrived Tuesday evening in Moscow “for an official visit during which he will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin”, according to a press release from the Syrian presidency.

Mr. Assad, “accompanied by a large ministerial delegation”, was received by Mikhail Bogdanov, special representative of President Putin and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, added the presidency.

The Syrian President’s last public visit to Moscow dates back to September 2021, when he spoke with Mr. Putin.

The pro-government newspaper Al Watanwhich quotes the Russian newspaper Vedomostisaid Tuesday that the two presidents should discuss in particular “the normalization between Damascus and Ankara”, in which Russia plays the role of mediator.

A tripartite meeting took place in December in Moscow between the Turkish, Syrian and Russian defense ministers, the first since 2011.

Relations have been broken since the start of the war in Syria in 2011, when Turkey sided with rebel groups opposed to Damascus.

Russia, Damascus’ main ally, has for its part provided decisive military support to the Syrian army in the conflict.

The newspaper, citing the same source, believes that “current developments regarding Syrian-Arab relations” should also be addressed.

Mr Assad has been diplomatically isolated since the 2011 crackdown on a popular uprising that escalated into a civil war. But since the February 6 earthquake that killed tens of thousands in Turkey and Syria, Arab countries have intensified their contacts and sent aid to Damascus, which could take advantage of the tragedy to break out of its diplomatic isolation. according to experts.

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