Vladimir Putin will “focus his efforts on the Donbass” with a view to a “victory on May 9”, says Emmanuel Macron

“For Russia, May 9 is a national holiday, an important military meeting,” recalled the French president, interviewed on RTL.

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Vladimir Putin will focus his attacks on the Ukrainian region of Donbass to seek a “victoire” beginning of May, advanced Emmanuel Macron on RTL, Friday April 8. “For Russia, May 9 is a national holiday, an important military appointment. It is almost certain that, for President Putin, May 9 must be a day of victory”explained the Head of State. “They are going to concentrate their efforts in the Donbass, we are going to experience very difficult scenes in the coming weeks” in this region of eastern Ukraine, he said.

On Friday morning, a shelling hit the train station in Kramatorsk, eastern Ukraine, by which thousands of people have been evacuated for several days to the rest of the country. It killed at least 30 people and injured around 100, according to an official of the Ukrainian railway network. The Ukrainian authorities accuse Russia of being responsible for this attack.

Emmanuel Macron also recalled that France, Greece and Turkey were trying to organize humanitarian operations in Mariupol, but “with great difficulty” because of a “complete Russian refusal”. This port in the south of the country has been besieged by Russian forces for several weeks.

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