Vladimir Putin: The daughter of a relative murdered in Moscow in a violent explosion

A terrible death that leaves room for many questions. The daughter of a Russian ideologue close to the Kremlin and Vladimir Putin, fervent supporter of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, Alexander Dugin, was killed Saturday evening in the explosion of his car in the Moscow region, said Sunday the Russian Investigative Committee. Daria Dougin, a journalist and political scientist, who also showed open support for the Russian offensive in Ukraine, was driving a Toyota Land Cruiser when it exploded and caught fire on a highway near the village of Bolchiye Viaziomy, about forty kilometers from Moscow, according to the press release reported by AFP. The young woman, born in 1992, “was killed at the scenehe says.

According to the investigators, an explosive device was placed in the vehicle, and everything suggests that “the crime was planned in advance and ordered”, underlines the press release. An investigation for “homicide” has been opened, adds the Committee, responsible for the main criminal investigations in the country. According to relatives of the family, quoted by Russian news agencies, it was the ultra-nationalist intellectual and writer Alexander Dugin, 60, who was targeted by the explosion, Daria having borrowed her father’s car for this shift. According to several sources, Alexandre Douguine was supposed to be in the vehicle with his daughter, but would have changed his mind at the last moment. With the Kremlin’s hold on the Russian press, it is still difficult to confirm this information.

Promoter of the doctrine “eurasist“, a kind of alliance between Europe and Asia under Russian leadership, Alexandre Douguine, close to Jean-Marie Le Pen which influences part of the French extreme right, has been targeted since 2014 by European Union sanctions taken in the wake of the annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea by Russia. In recent years, Ukraine has banned several of his books, including Ukraine. My war. Geopolitical Journal and Russia’s Eurasian Revenge.

For its part, Daria Douguine, who had studied in France in the past, was targeted by British sanctions since July, London accusing him of disseminating “misinformation about Ukraine“The leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) of pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine, Denis Pushilin, on Sunday accused Ukrainian forces of being behind the assassination of Daria Dugin.”Ukrainian regime terrorists tried to liquidate Alexander Dugin, but blew up his daughter“, asserted Mr Pushilin on Telegram. “If the Ukrainian track is confirmed (…) and it must be verified by the competent authorities, it will be the policy of state terrorism put in place by the kyiv regime“, reacted on Telegram Russian Foreign Minister Maria Zakharova.

Vladimir Putin has not yet officially reacted to this explosion but his response, knowing his terrible methods, should not be long in coming. The Russian statesman, when not busy invading Ukraine, takes great pains to silence rumors of his illness. And he is really ready to do anything so that nothing leaks.

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