Vladimir Putin set to make crucial announcement on Ukraine…

“I have decided on a special military operation. We will strive to achieve demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine. We do not have in our plans an occupation of Ukrainian territories, we do not intend to impose anything by force to no one”. This is how Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed himself on February 23, when he launched an offensive on his Ukrainian neighbor.

Towards a declaration of war?

At the time and since, the word “war“has never been used to refer to this conflict. It could be otherwise, from May 9. It is on this date that Russia celebrates the victory of the 1939-1945 war against Nazi Germany. If in France, and everywhere in Europe, May 8 is a public holiday for this reason, Moscow has a one-day difference, because of the time zone, and Stalin’s challenge to the signing of the first treaty…

>> See also: Vladimir Putin: his crazy story with a cleaning lady (who became a multi-millionaire)!

Still, this Monday, Vladimir Putin must make a speech and preside over the annual military parade in Red Square. In the current geopolitical context, in addition to the celebration of Russian victories in Ukraine, he would actually think about making an official declaration of war according to observers.

BFM TV also explains what a “war” in international law. She corresponds “to a formal declaration by a national government to signify a state of war between that nation and one or more other“, and therefore implies a possible escalation on an international scale…

The Kremlin denies

The Kremlin’s response to this on May 4: “There is no chance (of that happening). It’s absurd“, as spokesman Dmitry Peskov explained during a press briefing. Case to follow.


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