Vladimir Putin says he is ‘100% sure’ of ‘destroying’ US Patriot missiles delivered to kyiv

What there is to know

Vladimir Putin said to himself, Sunday, December 25, sure “100%” that the Russian army “will destroy” the Patriot air defense system that the United States will supply to Ukraine. The head of the Kremlin accused the West of trying to “divide” his country, after more than ten months of the Russian military offensive in the neighboring country. “Everything is based on the policy of our geopolitical adversaries, which aims to divide Russia, historical Russia”, he said in an interview, an extract of which was broadcast on Russian television. He assured that the objective of the Kremlin was on the contrary of“uniting the Russian people”. Follow our live.

Volodymyr Zelensky denounce an act of “terror” in Herson. The Ukrainian president has accused Moscow of wanting intimidate” the Ukrainians, after a bombardment of the city in the south of the country. The strike killed at least ten people and injured 55, according to the latest report from the governor of Kherson. “Saturday mornings, Christmas Eve, downtown. These are not military installations. This is not a war by the set rules”blasted Volodymyr Zelensky after the attack.

Pope Francis should evoke Ukraine in front of the Catholic faithful. Thousands of people are expected Sunday in St. Peter’s Square in Rome to see Pope Francis deliver his Christmas message. François should notably return to the war in Ukraine. During the Christmas mass on Saturday, he prayed for the “children devoured by wars, poverty and injustice”.

convictions for torture. “Two Mercenaries” and “two Russian soldiers” were sentenced to 11 years in prison by the Ukrainian courts for having “torture” three Ukrainian soldiers, the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office announced on Saturday. They had “kidnapped and kept [leurs victimes] in a recreation center, without water or food”early September in the Izioum region. “The occupants [russes] hit one of [soldats] with a hammer to his bones”detailed the prosecution.

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