Vladimir Putin remains determined to achieve his objectives “through negotiation or through war”, according to the Elysée

The Russian president spoke for an hour and 45 minutes with Emmanuel Macron this Sunday.

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Vladimir Putin does not disarm. The Russian president remains committed to achieving his goals “by negotiation or by war”, according to the Elysee. The Russian president spoke for an hour and 45 minutes with his French counterpart on Sunday March 6. Emmanuel Macron, for his part, reaffirmed his determination to obtain a ceasefire and the creation of humanitarian corridors. New sanctions against Russia are also being considered.

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On the issue of the nuclear threat, Vladimir Putin denied any intention to attack Ukrainian nuclear power plants and said he was ready to respect the standards of the International Atomic Energy Agency, according to the French presidency.

This phone call was on the initiative of Emmanuel Macron. The French president will also meet US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday as world leaders rally to try to stop the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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