Vladimir Putin promises “military and technical” response in case of “unfriendly actions”

Westerners accuse the Kremlin of massing tens of thousands of troops on the border with Ukraine in preparation for an offensive.

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The confectioners’ truce does not apply to international relations. Russian President Vladimir Putin pledged a response on Tuesday, December 21 “military and technical” if its Western rivals did not put an end to their policy considered threatening by Russia, against a backdrop of growing tensions around Ukraine.

“In the event that the very clearly aggressive line of our Western colleagues is maintained, we will take appropriate military and technical measures of reprisal, react firmly to unfriendly actions (…) We have every right to do so”, he declared during an intervention in front of the executives of the Russian army and the Ministry of Defense.

“The reinforcement of the military groups of the United States and NATO at the Russian borders as well as the organization of large-scale military maneuvers constitute a serious source of concern” he noted, while the West on the contrary accuse the Kremlin of having massed tens of thousands of troops on the border with Ukraine in preparation for an offensive.

In this context, the Russian president once again underlined the need, according to him, for the United States and NATO to give security guarantees to Russia by signing treaties which should prohibit any future enlargement of the Atlantic Alliance.

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