Vladimir Putin orders Russian army to enter separatist territories

After recognizing the independence of pro-Russian separatist territories of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin asked his armed forces to carry out “peacekeeping functions” there.

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Russia is further increasing the pressure on its Ukrainian neighbor. Vladimir Putin on Monday February 21 ordered the Russian army to “maintain peace” in the pro-Russian separatist territories of Ukraine, whose independence he recognized, before signing mutual aid agreements providing for the lasting presence of Russian forces. Two decrees of the Russian President ask the Ministry of Defense that “the armed forces of Russia (perform) peacekeeping functions on the territory” from “people’s republics” from Donetsk and Lugansk.

Neither the timetable nor the extent of the deployment have been announced in these documents, which each take up one page and have been published on the site of the Russian database of legal texts. Russia has for weeks deployed tens of thousands of troops to Ukraine’s borders which the West says are ready to invade their neighbor. The recognition of the independence of the two territories opened the way to a Russian military deployment at their request.

Vladimir Putin has also signed mutual aid agreements with these two separatist entities which, with the support of Russia, have been fighting the Ukrainian armed forces for eight years.

According to the texts published on a site of the lower house of the Russian parliament, the Duma, these provide that the parties will ensure their defense, share military bases and protect their borders in common.

The 10-year agreements create “the legal basis for the presence” in these territories “Russian military units necessary to maintain peace in the region and to ensure lasting security of the parties”, saccording to an explanatory note which accompanies these texts.

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