Vladimir Putin operated on for “advanced cancer”? This information about the Russian president that portends the worst…

Since the start of the war in Ukraine nearly 100 days ago, much of the spotlight has centered on Vladimir Putin. His private life has been scrutinized and now it is his health that questions. According to the weekly Newsweeka report that was compiled by Washington in late May claims that the Russian president was treated for cancer “at an advanced stage”.

The American magazine quotes on condition of anonymity three senior officials within American intelligence, “in three different agencies”: one working within the office of the National Intelligence Directorate (DNI), one within the Intelligence Agency of Defense (DIA) and a former Air Force officer. One of them claims to have “concordant sources” in Russia, who tell him that Vladimir Putin “has been followed by oncologists for two years”and “the April operation was under local anesthesia in the abdomen”suggesting “following pancreatic cancer.” Within the Kremlin, “everyone feels that the end is near”said one of these sources to Newsweek. “Putin is definitely ill… Whether he will die soon is pure speculation. However, we should not be reassured… He is still dangerous, and chaos awaits if he dies. Be ready”. The same sources add that the Russian president would have been the target of an assassination attempt in March…

Last weekend, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov dismissed rumors of the 69-year-old leader’s poor health in an interview with the 8 p.m. TF1. “I don’t think sane people can distinguish any symptoms of illness in this man.”he explained.

See also: Vladimir Putin suffering from cancer? The Russian president vomits in the middle of a meeting!

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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