During the meeting, which lasted “almost three hours”, the Russian president gave his “appreciation” of the June 24 mutiny.
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Where is Yevgeny Prigojine since his abortive march on the Russian capital? Part of the answer was provided directly by the Kremlin on Monday July 10. According to his spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, the leader of the paramilitary group Wagner was received by Vladimir Putin on June 29, five days after his rebellion. The meeting, which lasted “almost three hours”brought together 35 people in total, including “all commanders and rulers” of the Wagner group.
“The Russian President gave his assessment of the activities” of Wagner on the Ukrainian front, specified Dimitri Peskov, as well as “his assessment of the events of June 24”, date of the rebellion of the group. Vladimir Putin has “listened to the explanations of the commanders [de Wagner] and offered them alternatives for their future work and employment for military purposes”.
“Ready to keep fighting”
“The commanders [de Wagner] gave their version of the facts. They stressed that they were convinced supporters and soldiers of the Head of State and Commander-in-Chief [Vladimir Poutine] and affirmed that they were ready to continue fighting for the fatherland”he continued.
The Kremlin reacted to an article in the French daily Release. Published on Friday, it relied on Western intelligence sources saying Yevgeny Prigojine was being held in the Kremlin where he was summoned along with his top commanders.