Vladimir Putin, “in a weak position”, takes a step closer to war

Has the point of no return been reached in the Ukrainian crisis with Russia? With the recognition of the independence of the separatist regions, Vladimir Putin is taking another step towards war.

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Western countries began hitting Russia with economic sanctions on Tuesday after Vladimir Putin recognized Ukraine’s separatist regions of Donetsk and Lugansk. The Russian president has also ordered the deployment of troops in eastern Ukrainian territory, and the specter of a major war is growing, Russia having 150,000 men on the borders of its neighbor.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on his allies to react quickly and strongly and said he was considering breaking diplomatic relations with Moscow, accused of continuing its “military aggression”. In the Donbass, on the Ukrainian side of the Donetsk region, franceinfo special envoy Valentin Dunate is struck by the calm of the population, accustomed to this war which does not say its name but has been going on for eight years in the east of the country.

American billionaire rapper Kanye West has decided that his new album, “Donda 2”, which will be released this Tuesday, February 22, will not be available on major streaming platforms but exclusively on his own connected device, to be acquired for the modest sum of $200. A response from the artist to the “oppression” according to him of the music industry. Matteu Maestracci, from the culture department of franceinfo, returns to the repeated extravagances of Kanye West, which end up tarnishing his artistic reputation.

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