Vladimir Putin: His companion reappears … the transformed face

Vladimir Putin’s girlfriend Alina Kabaeva made a very noticeable appearance on the side of Moscow. And this, when it was believed to be hidden in a chalet in Lugano, Switzerland. Could she have come out of her hiding place or had she been in Russia all this time? Nothing is certain. But it was above all her astonishing physical appearance that troubled observers when she appeared during this gymnastics competition…

Indeed, the return of the former Olympic gold medal to the front of the stage in times of war was particularly awaited: it is done and in what way! Her face definitely more swollen and frozen than usual, the 38-year-old young woman surprised her Russian compatriots! “Something really changed in the face of Alina Kabaeva… The legendary athlete was remarkably more beautiful” went so far as to affirm the Cosmopolitan Russian. The magazine also described her as “one of the most mysterious and secret women in the country“, explaining that “the gymnast almost never appears in public, not even on social networks and it is not possible to meet her by chance in the street or while shopping.

Local media also need to be resourceful and speak moderately to avoid government censorship. Also the Telegram in Russia evokes “a new appearance of Alina Kabaeva. This time she was dressed casual, and she also wore an engagement ring.”. The outlet then concluded:And yes, the touch of the family beautician is quite recognizable.

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