Vladimir Putin “dying”? How many doctors surround him and what are their specialties?

“He will die very quickly, I think, I hope. » During an interview with the American channel ABC on Wednesday January 4, 2023, Ukrainian military intelligence director Kyrylo Budanov made shocking remarks by assuring that Vladimir Putin was dying.

“We think it’s cancer,” he declared before specifying that the disease was certainly not yet at a very advanced stage: “This war should end before he dies”, indicated the man at the head of Ukrainian intelligence since 2020.

Thyroid cancer

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, rumors surrounding the health of the Russian head of state have multiplied. Last April, a video relayed on social networks showing Vladimir Putin clinging firmly to his desk for 12 minutes convinced Internet users that Vladimir Putin had Parkinson’s disease while a few days later , the independent Russian media Proekt wrote that the Russian leader was suffering from thyroid cancer.

Roman Badanin, the founder of the media in question, told our colleagues at the time of BFM TV that the president had been surrounded by a large “quantity of doctors for five to seven years”, including “a specialist in thyroid cancer”.

See also: Emmanuel Macron shirtless: Vladimir Poutne is having fun and talks about a “disgusting show”!


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