Vladimir Putin does not want to compromise


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The Élysée is pessimistic after an exchange between Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Poutine. The Russian president also spoke on television on Thursday March 3 to reaffirm his determination to continue the offensive in Ukraine. A speech detailed by journalist Luc Lacroix, special envoy to Donetsk (Ukraine).

Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, were able to exchange again on Thursday March 3. The Russian president reaffirmed his desire to continue the offensive “without compromise, what he calls a fight against Ukrainian armed nationalist groups”reports the special envoy Luc Lacroix, in duplex from Donetsk (Ukraine).

Vladimir Putin has “moreover reproached the French president for having qualified yesterday as a ‘lie’ the fact that he is fighting Nazism in Ukraine”. A way for the Russian president to clear himself of the many civilian losses to be deplored in Ukraine. There is therefore no question for the moment of slowing down the offensive to talk about negotiations.

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