Vladimir Putin does not plan to expand mobilization in the army or new massive strikes “immediately”

The Russian president, who was holding a press conference after a regional summit in Kazakhstan, also felt that Russia was doing “everything right” in Ukraine.

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Vladimir Putin assured, Friday, October 14, not to plan to expand the mobilization “partial” announced three weeks ago for the conflict in Ukraine, stating that 222,000 men have been recruited so far. “I don’t see the need for it in the foreseeable future”he said duringa press conference after a regional summit in Kazakhstan. He has added foresee the end of the mobilization “in two weeks” and admitted that it had failed.

The head of the Kremlin also assured not to plan “immediately” new strikes “massive” in Ukraine, after those of the beginning of the week launched in retaliation for the partial destruction of the Crimean bridge which he attributes to kyiv. “Currently, there are other objectives. For the moment. Afterwards we will see”he said, assuring that he was not aiming “to destroy Ukraine”.

Vladimir Putin also considered doing “just as it should” in Ukraine after nearly eight months of fighting and at a time when Russian forces have suffered numerous setbacks. “It’s not nice what’s happening now, but [si la Russie n’avait pas attaqué l’Ukraine le 24 février]we would have been in the same situation a little later, just the conditions would have been worse for us”he launched.

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