Vladimir Putin, could he be tried for war crimes?


Article written by

E. Pelletier, J.-M. Lequertier, V. Lejeune – France 3

France Televisions

This is the first time that US President Joe Biden has called Vladimir Putin a “war criminal” after the bombing of the theater in Mariupol. The leader of Kremlin couldbe tried by the international criminal court? First you have to collect evidence.

A pregnant woman is evacuated in emergency after the bombardment of a maternity ward in Mariupol, the body of a child lying on the sidewalk… Every day in Ukraine, civilians die under Russian bombs. Is this a war crime? In The Hague (Netherlands)the International Criminal Court is now investigating the situation in Ukraine under the direction of the Attorney General. “We know very clearly that if civilians are targeted directly…it’s a crime”says the latter.

The exactions are of such gravity that they are imprescriptible. But how to investigate? On the ground, young Ukrainians collect evidence. They analyze computer data to authenticate them and transmit them to justice. Satellite images provided by the West could also provide the investigation. For Clemence Bectartelawyer, Vladimir Putin could find himself in the dock a day, because “the international criminal court does not provide for immunity of heads of state in office”.

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