“Vladimir Putin chooses to banish himself from the international order”, according to former minister Gérard Longuet

Gérard Longuet, former Minister of Defence, said to himself “dismayed” by Vladimir Putin’s speech where the Russian President recognizes the independence of the separatist territories in the Donbass.

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“Vladimir Putin chooses to banish himself from the international order to satisfy part of his opinion”declared Monday February 21 on franceinfo the former Minister of Defense and president of the France-Russia friendship group in the Senate, Gérard Longuet, after the recognition of the independence of the separatized pro-Russian regions of eastern Ukraine by the Russian President.

Gérard Longuet said to himself “dismayed” by Vladimir Putin’s speech, which makes “regress Russia into a cycle of Soviet-style glaciation that banishes it from the international community.” The former minister adds that, according to him, “this is going to cost Russia much more than the satisfaction of a few million Russian-speakers in Ukraine.”

Gérard Longuet ends by explaining that, “if we are optimistic”this recognition of the independence of the separatist regions “will bother him much more than it will help him”because “It’s not going to get him anything except to be in conflict with the whole world.”

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