Vladimir Putin castigates NATO “imperialism” which pledges to support kyiv

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Vladimir Putin does not appreciate NATO’s outstretched hand to Ukraine. LDuring a press conference on Wednesday June 29, the Russian President once again denounced them “imperial ambitions” of theAtlantic Alliance who seeks to affirm his “hegemony”. NATO and “above all the United States had long needed to have an external enemy around which it could unite its allies”also estimated the master of the Kremlin. Follow our live.

End of the NATO summit in Madrid. The Alliance pledged to support Ukraine for as long as needed in the face of “cruelty” of Russia. In a joint declaration, the member countries specified that they had agreed on a new aid plan through the “delivery of non-lethal military equipment” and by strengthening Ukrainian defenses against cyber-attacks.

“If Finland and Sweden want it, let them join.” In the same press conference, Vladimir Putin assured the president that he did not see “no problem” to the fact that the two countries want to join NATO. “We have no territorial disputes (…), there is nothing that could bother us from the point of view of Sweden and Finland joining NATO”assured the master of the Kremlin.

The bombing of the Mariupol theater is “clearly a war crime” Russian. That’s what it says an Amnesty International report. Satellite images show that there was no “no Ukrainian military presence around the theater”. On March 16, at least a dozen people died in the attack, and “surely much more”. The town hall had reported 300 dead.

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