Vladimir Putin, an unsinkable leader?


Video length: 2 min

Presidential election in Russia: Vladimir Putin, an unsinkable leader?

Presidential election in Russia: Vladimir Putin, an unsinkable leader?

(France 2)

After 25 years in power, Vladimir Putin wants to build a new world. He is assured of winning the presidential election which will take place from March 15 to 17.

Two days before a presidential election that he is sure to win, Vladimir Putin once again brandished the threat of nuclear war on Wednesday March 13. Since 1999, he has been obsessed with restoring Russia’s lost power. Vladimir Putin, the former KGB spy, now warlord, demonstrates his strength by all means, without detour. “Russia’s mission is to build a new world”he assures.

He could stay in power until 2036

The Russian president has had the constitution reformed and will be able to stay in power until 84 years old, in 2036. Vladimir Putin’s new world involves the annexation of Ukrainian Crimea in 2014 and the military intervention in Syria in 2015, before the invasion of Ukraine in 2022. He remains supported by a majority of the population, attached to a greater Russia and to the traditional values ​​that he defends. In the Russian president’s new world, China is an ally against the West and Africa is a place to spread its anti-colonialist propaganda.

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