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Vladimir Putin had warned that he intended to give Russia back its place. After more than 20 years at the head of the Kremlin, he has matched words with deeds in Crimea, Syria, Mali and Ukraine. International sanctions have a cost, which he chooses to defy each time.
Missile launches, tanks in position, nearly 150,000 soldiers deployed… Vladimir Putin challenges his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymir Zelensky, and Western leaders, such as Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron. Why ? The Russian president first fears that Ukraine, on Russia’s doorstep, will join NATO, a Western military alliance of 30 countries, including France and the United States. A dangerous red line for Russian sovereignty.
Vladimir Putin also places his pawns around the world. First in Africa. With the Wagner group, he has mercenaries present in Mali, Libya and the Central African Republic. As close as possible to governments, they defend Russia’s external interests. In Syria, Russia is an ally of Bashar Al-Assad, and in exchange has two military air bases.
Objective ? “Restore Russia to a role of world power, consistent with its rank as a permanent member of the Security Council”, analyzes François Heisbourg, specialist in geopolitics. To make it roll back, its opponents mainly brandish economic sanctions against leaders, oligarchs and big companies.