VivaTech, Europe’s leading technology fair, returns to Paris in June, focusing on the environment and “Web 3.0”

It’s the return of VivaTech. After two years of health crisis, the event in its physical format resumes its place at the Porte de Versailles from June 15 to 18. The edition will be held over four days with three days dedicated to professionals aimed in particular at promoting business exchanges and a day open to the general public.

Despite the health context, the biggest European tech fair, organized by Publicis and “Les Echos”, was able to attract people during the 2021 edition: 140,000 visitors, including 26,000 physically present at Porte de Versailles, in Paris. The remaining 114,000 therefore attended the various conferences, workshops and start-up pitches only online.

The next edition will retain a hybrid format which was notably introduced last year due to the health crisis. “We are convinced that the two aspects, face-to-face and digital, are intrinsically linked and the key to the success of any major event”, underlines Julie Ranty, general manager of VivaTech. Digital technology has notably enabled foreign visitors to follow the event in real time and to increase the visibility of the Show outside of France. It is in total more than 1200 startups, from France and abroad, which will be present on the tech site. Wanting to be as accessible as possible, VivaTech will notably organizeare slet’s try online on a dedicated platform, open for guests and visitors, with new content. Discoveries of tech objects, showrooms and other networking modules will be there.

We want it to be open to everyone. Let it be a real media with an international showcase

Julie Ranty

CEO of VivaTech

Another point to underline, given the tense context with the war in Ukraine, Russian companies will not be able to be present on site. “We are not a political organization. We do not take political positions but we take human and responsible positionsassures Maurice Lévy, founder of VivaTech. Despite everything, we hope that peace will come very soon.

Six major themes will be highlighted during this 2022 edition. We will find in particular that of the environment, the place of women in tech and Web 3.0, which is a set of innovations related to the use of blockchains, cryptocurrencies and NFT. In a desire to give a central place to innovations related to the fight against global warming, several companies related to this theme will be present. We will discover in particular the French company Interstellar Labin partnership with NASA and CNES, which will unveil a world premiere BioPod, one of the most advanced aeroponic greenhouses in the world for deployment on Earth, and on other planets in the future.

For Web 3.0, the idea for VivaTech is to put a spotlight on this technology to follow. AT notably through an Innovation Park hosted by Binance, a company specializing in the exchange of cryptocurrencies, which will present the most advanced startups and innovations in the blockchain, crypto and NFT ecosystems.

With the presentation of these innovations, the organizers seek above all to prove France’s leadership position on the European market. This year, members of the government, Cédric O, Secretary of State in charge of the Digital Transition, and Clément Beaune, Secretary of State in charge of Foreign Affairs, recalled the interests of the content of this show. “Our vocation is to have our own success in the tech marketexplains Cédric O, through success, through funding, we want to show that we are both regulators and innovators”.

VivaTech 2022 will be held from June 15 to 18, 2022 in Hall 1 at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles and digitally broadcast on the show site,

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