Vittoria de Savoie “beautiful like her mother” Clotilde Courau: her father Emmanuel-Philibert totally fan

Women are lucky enough to be able to give birth. But after wearing it for 9 months, young mums sometimes have the unpleasant surprise of finding that baby looks more like dad. If this was perhaps the case for Clotilde Courau when she gave birth to her eldest Vittoria, the fruit of her marriage to Prince Emmanuel-Philibert of Savoy, it is her mother that the young woman definitely looks like now. Vittoria has unveiled a new snapshot of her in black and white on her Instagram account. The 18-year-old princess displays a masculine look wearing a fitted black suit jacket and slicked back hair.

Her look as a model, it is surely to her mother Clotilde Courau that Vittoria owes her. The resemblance between mother and daughter is so striking that it has not escaped anyone, not even her father Emmanuel-Philibert de Savoie who hastened to like the post of his granddaughter by adding a full emoji of heart in the eyes. The rest of the comments seem to be along the lines of the prince’s: “Too beautiful, too classy, ​​like her mother”, “What a wonder”, “Beauty”, “How beautiful she is”, “Very elegant Vittoria”, “Sublime”, “Very great lady”, ” A bomb.” Some even went so far as to ask the prince if he was okay with granting them a date with his daughter.

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