Vitaa pregnant and still positive for Covid-19? This bad joke of her husband Hicham which could have caused him harm

If the year 2021 had ended in a wonderful way with the announcement of her pregnancy, 2022, it started in a less beautiful way for Vitaa. Indeed, last December 18, the one that offered a hit still sung in many evenings at present (Confessions Nocturnes with Diam’s: editor’s note) announced great news to all its fans. Taking to her Instagram account in the run-up to Christmas, the artist indicated that she would become a mom in the next twelve months: “I wanted to tell you the best for the end … I hid this beautiful news from you, but since the start of this tour, I have been expecting a little baby. […] I am very, very happy to announce it to you ”, she rejoiced. However, after the rain comes the good weather. But for Vitaa, the saying has apparently been reversed. Since Slimane’s sidekick learned very bad news a few days after celebrating New Year’s Eve.

While in the middle of pregnancy, the singer contracted Covid-19 … It was with an oxygen mask on her nose that she shared the bad news and worried her fans on Instagram: “Good bah here, 6 days at the top in 2022 and then … thank you the Covid”, she let them know on January 7. If some thought it would take time to get rid of this damn virus, the artist thwarted the forecasts. Proof of this is with the good news that she has just announced this Tuesday, January 11, still on Instagram. Vitaa is finally negative but believed the opposite because of a bad joke of his companion Hicham. The latter having fun drawing a red line on the self-test she had just performed, to make her believe that she was still positive.

“My husband, this jealous, he drew a line to make me believe that I am positive. Isn’t he really a kid? He told me “ah no, no, no, you’re positive” “. A joke that could still have had some unfortunate consequences. As a reminder, Vitaa is currently pregnant, and realizing that she still had Covid-19, after several days of rest, could have greatly worried her and caused harm to her baby.


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