visualize the progress of the far right in France in one image

The cumulative scores of Marine Le Pen, Eric Zemmour and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan represent just over 32% of the vote.



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One in three ballots for the far right. In the first round of the presidential election, Sunday April 10, the candidacies of Marine Le Pen, Eric Zemmour and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan have, between them, collected a little more than 32% of the votes, according to the almost final results based on 97% of registered voters. A score up from 2017, when just under 27% of voters voted for the far right.

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The divide is geographic. Just like in 2017, the Hexagon is bisected by a diagonal. It is in the northeast of the country that these far-right candidates achieve their best scores. Conversely, voters residing in Brittany, Ile-de-France and central France voted little for far-right parties.

In total, some 4,453 municipalities granted more than 50% of their votes to a far-right party during the first round of the 2022 presidential election. They were 1,135 in 2017.

The blocks of the center, with La République en Marche, and of the far right have literally taken a stranglehold on the right-wing block of the Republicans, which is collapsing to less than 5% of the vote in the first round of the 2022 presidential election. At the end of this election, the French political forces are thus recomposed around three blocs of the left, the center and the extreme right.

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