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With 229 constituencies, France Insoumise is the party which will present the most candidates within the New Popular Front.
Promise kept for the New Popular Front. The alliance of the main left-wing parties was committed to proposing “unique applications” in the 577 French constituencies, it is done. After tough negotiations,The New Popular Front thus announced on Thursday June 13 that it had reached an agreement on the geographical distribution of these candidates, according to a working document consulted by franceinfo.
This compromise grants La France Insoumise the most constituencies, as in 2022. The Socialist Party asserts its presence and gains around 100 more deputies than what it had obtained following the formation of Nupes.
The constituencies of France and French people abroad have therefore been distributed. Other negotiations should make it possible to choose who will represent the New Popular Front in Corsica and overseas. Already in 2022, the distribution of constituencies overseas and in Corsica had been studied in a second phase.
Concerning the names of the candidates presented, they will be known on Sunday. But some outgoing MPs, such as Alexis Corbière, LFI MP for Seine-Saint Denis, or Julie Laernoes, environmentalist MP for Loire-Atlantique, have already expressed their intention to run again.
It is Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s party which will be in the running in the most constituencies. In total, LFI will represent the New Popular Front in 229 constituencies. Just behind follows the Socialist Party, which took advantage of its score in the European elections and will present 175 candidates across France.
The Ecologists won 92 constituencies. The French Communist Party, as in 2022, will be able to present 50 candidates.
Details concerning the details of the program of this New Popular Front were announced on Friday. The left alliance, on the other hand, refers to the results of the legislative elections to announce the name of its Prime Minister in the event of victory.