visualize in which constituencies the New Popular Front, Ensemble, RN and LR are qualified for the second round



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The National Rally qualified in more than eight out of 10 constituencies on June 30, 2024 in the first round of the legislative elections. (LEA GIRARDOT / FRANCEINFO)

The National Rally candidates passed the first round in 485 of the 577 constituencies. Those of the left alliance passed the hurdle in 446 territories. The presidential camp is retreating. The right, however, is managing to hold on.

Where did the main political forces score points, Sunday June 30, during the first round of the early legislative elections? Across France, the National Rally and its allies led by Eric Ciotti came in first, with 33.14% of the votes cast, according to the results communicated by the Ministry of the Interior.

The New Popular Front, a coalition of left-wing parties, came second with 27.9%. The presidential camp’s parties, united under the banner of Ensemble, came third, with 20.04%, and Les Républicains, associated with the various right-wing parties, came fourth with 10.23%. But at the constituency level, a new electoral geography is emerging.

RN qualified for the second round in more than 8 out of ten constituencies

The candidates of the National Rally and the Union of the Far Right, led by the contested president of the Republicans, Eric Ciotti, are qualified in 485 of the 577 constituencies. This is more than double the RN’s result in the first round of the 2022 legislative elections. Two years ago, the far-right party reached the second round in 208 constituencies. This time, the RN came first in 297 constituencies, including 39 where its candidates obtained a score allowing them to be elected in the first round.

Map of constituencies where the RN and its allies qualified for the second round of the 2024 legislative elections

The New Popular Front does better than Nupes

The New Popular Front wins a ticket for the second round in 446 constituencies. In 32 of them, its candidate is even elected in the first round. The left alliance thus does better than the Nupes of 2022, which qualified in 382 constituencies. The NFP particularly achieves good scores in large urban areas, where it often comes out on top, notably in Paris and in the departments of the inner suburbs, Nantes, Toulouse and Strasbourg. But the coalition is fading in many constituencies in the North-East as well as the South-East.

Map of constituencies where the New Popular Front qualified for the second round of the 2024 legislative elections

The presidential camp gives ground

The parties of the former presidential majority, gathered under the Ensemble label, are losing ground in this first round of the legislative elections. Its candidates qualified in only 319 constituencies, compared to 417 at the end of the first round of the 2022 legislative elections. There are only 69 candidates from the Macronist alliance who came out on top or were elected in the first round. Some 96 others qualified in third position, but their number could decrease depending on possible withdrawals in the case of three-way contests against the National Rally and the New Popular Front.

Map of the constituencies where Ensemble qualified for the second round of the 2024 legislative elections

Republicans manage to hold on

The Republicans and their right-wing allies only qualified in 101 districts. A score close to that of 2022, where the right reached the second round in 91 territories, but much lower than 2017, where it qualified in more than 300 constituencies.

Map of constituencies where LR and its allies qualified for the second round of the 2024 legislative elections

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