visitors stock up on kiwis in an orchard


France 3

Article written by

J. Valin, R. Guillon, J. Touleron, F. Ratel – France 3

France Televisions

It is an excellent seasonal fruit for health: the kiwi. Italy, New Zealand and Chile are the biggest producing countries, but it is also found in the south-west of France.

It has become a tradition. At the end of October, when the kiwis are almost ripe, an orchard invites visitors to pick them themselves to stock up on vitamins before winter. “We gained 15kg”, says a man. Each year, nearly 3,000 people sometimes come from afar to harvest these fruits at an unbeatable price: three euros per kilo. “I like having local kiwis that I can keep long enough for the whole winter”said another.

Contrary to popular belief, the kiwi is no longer an exotic fruit. It has been cultivated in the south-west of France for 50 years. Despite this summer’s frost and heat wave, the harvest is excellent. “On four hectares this year, we estimate around 50 tons (…) so there, it’s a good year, we expect to have a good harvest”rejoices Charlotte Fourest, Cocagne Haute-Garonne development manager. Concentrated in vitamin C, the kiwi is an ally for the winter. To keep them, they must be placed in a ventilated room.

source site-14