visitors happy to find these events


France 3

Article written by

O. Poncelet, France 3 Besançon and Nancy, L. Hauville – France 3

France Televisions

It’s still agricultural fair season. After two years of VSvid-19visitors happily rediscovered these unmissable events.

The cows have arrived in town and are exhibited on the cobblestones of the center of Pontarlier (Doubs) for the agricultural fair. Due to a health crisis, it had not been held for two years. “It’s true that it’s quite impressive to see 600 cows today, the rural world in the middle of the city”says a resident. The event was eagerly awaited by breeders who had to make selections beforehand. “The best cows have been re-sorted to come to the super show (…) there, there are really only high level cows”details a breeder.

For the competition, the cows will be examined from all angles with particular attention depending on the breed, such as dairy cows and their udders. Everywhere in France, the comices attract the public. In a village in the Vosges, visitors come to admire chickens, pigs but also agricultural equipment that makes you dream. “I have always loved tractors”said a child.

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