Visiting Ste Catherine in Vesoul, Marine Le Pen makes Haute Saône a symbol of her countryside

Candidate of the National Gathering at the next one, Marine Le Pen is invited to the Ste Catherine in Vesoul, where 20 to 30,000 people are expected for this agricultural fair which was canceled last year due to the health crisis. She was our guest this Thursday morning.

France Bleu Besançon: for what reasons did you choose to come to Vesoul for this Sainte-Catherine?

Marine Le Pen : because I want to be the candidate of the fight against the French fractures, and in particular the territorial fracture. I want to be the president of the territories. However, it is indisputable that the territories have been totally abandoned by a power which is very contemptuous. Who only has soft eyes for globalization and for large metropolises. However, the Haute-Saône, I remind you, is emblematic of this France that studies classify in the diagonal of the void.

FBB: For what reasons do you say that?

These are French departments in the process of depopulation and pauperization, departments which at the same time see the desertion of public services. I remind you all the same that the Haute-Saône does not host a single motorway and that the public authorities see the inauguration of small sections of expressway as a great public generosity. Haute Saône does not have a single TGV station on its territory.

The mayor of Vesoul, obviously, does not agree. He says, moreover, writes to you in a press release: No, Madame Le Pen. Haute-Saône, Vesoul is not the France of the forgotten. And he cites everything that has been done, including the creation of a contact center to respond to officials with a number of jobs created, etc.

Sorry, but this macronist mayor, who has been trying to place himself with Emmanuel Macron for years, is not deluding himself. I remind you that Lure’s emergency room now closes at 8:30 p.m. It is a decision which is perfectly shocking for the inhabitants of the department. Rather than focusing on precisely those areas that deserve to be developed, and to be the subject of special attention, we continue to focus on large metropolises, on difficult neighborhoods. Well me, what I want is a territorial rebalancing.

That is to say that if you are elected tomorrow, there is a motorway in Haute-Saône.

Yes, I will make sure that thanks to nationalization of highways, we can have investments that allow the territories to be irrigated because what is needed is to give these territories economic objectives. What I know is that the inhabitants love their territory. They love it, they want to live there, but they still need to be able to work there longer. Because you understand that the consequence of desertification is the collapse of the value of work.

In Vesoul we find the Stellantis factory, the group has chosen to repatriate employees of Italian factories to come and work in Vesoul for hundreds of temporary workers. Is it a practice that shocks you?

Obviously, this is extremely shocking, but in reality this is what our leaders have been promoting for years, namely relocations. To say that in reality, we are laying off temporary workers in order to be able to hire Italian employees, it is a relocation on the spot. 300 French temporary workers were dismissed overnight, all the same. This is what I call local relocations. And it is exactly the same phenomenon as posted work.

And for this type of practice, what would you do if you were elected?

Once again, the problem is the impetus given by the political leadership of a country. Is the main objective of our leaders to make French people work? Or is it to offer low-cost labor to companies that will obviously rush to this possibility? Me, I think it is necessary give national priority to employment. This means that when there are jobs, it is primarily the French who can benefit from them rather than calling on foreign labor that we know very well that we have done so. come because she accepts to work at lower costs. It is a whole political vision that I carry, a vision, once again, of national priority.

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