Visiting a school in Lille, Patrick Bruel pays tribute to teachers, “first heroes of the Republic”

The singer who has just announced a huge tour in 2024 returns to school. After Bordeaux and Marseille, Patrick Bruel met schoolchildren from Lille to talk to them about the importance of education and reading.

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France Televisions

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Patrick Bruel and CM2 students from Victor Duruy school, March 29, 2023. (France 3 Nord-Pas-de-Calais: C. Defurne / S. Gurak / B. Weill)

On March 29, 2023, it was a lesson with a very special teacher attended by CM2 students from the Victor Duruy school in Lille. Patrick Bruel came to share with them his love of reading and teaching inherited from his teacher mother. The institute, it is also one of the titles of his last album, Once again, released on November 18.

Patrick Bruel in a school in Lille
France 3 Nord-Pas-de-Calais: C. Defurne / S. Gurak / B. Weill

Sitting in the middle of the class, the children grouped around, Patrick Bruel seems in his element. Laughter burst out, questions too: “Did you work well when you were little?“, wants to know a student. “I kinda had to“, replies the singer with a smile, “I had my mother watching over me and it had to work!“It must be said that he went to a good school: his mother, Augusta, who raised him alone and to whom he is very close, was a teacher. It was she who transmitted to him the importance of knowledge and reading.

She talked to them about all the books, she taught them all the letters to become free men and make windows for themselves.

In The institutesong taken from his latest album Once again (Columbia), Patrick Bruel pays tribute to his mother and to all the teachers. “They are the first heroes of the Republic“, he explains to the school children. “They are the ones who give children the first keys to entering society. It is necessary more than to respect them, it is necessary to value them.“A militant and passionate message that the artist has already relayed in schools in Bordeaux and Marseille before addressing soon to young Parisians.

A 50-date tour in 2024

A crusade for education and books, “extraordinary life companions” but which are deserved. “Worth the work,” hammers the artist.”It’s not easy at first, you have to get started, but after you have a lot of satisfaction.” Hard worker, Patrick Bruel is undeniably. After the release last November of his 10th studio album, a promotional tour and dates in Canada this summer, the artist has just announced a 50-date tour in France, Belgium and Switzerland next year.

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