Visit to Beijing | Putin, a “very handsome” man who deserves respect

(Beijing) A “charismatic” leader with whom we must discuss “whether we like him or not”: in the streets of Beijing on Thursday, the Chinese had a rather positive opinion of Vladimir Putin, currently on a state visit.

Although he has a mixed image in the West, particularly since the invasion of Ukraine, the master of the Kremlin remains generally respected in China, Moscow’s key diplomatic and economic partner.

“Whether we like Putin or not, the reality is that he is the Russian president today. You have to give it some respect and listen to what Russia has to say,” Bao Bo, 30, who works in the internet sector, told AFP.

He considers it necessary, in particular, for Chinese President Xi Jinping to discuss with his Russian counterpart in order to find a solution to end the war in Ukraine.

“The international situation is unstable” and “you cannot have, like the West, a permanently hostile attitude towards Russia” which remains an essential interlocutor, because it “has nuclear weapons”, judges Bao Bo.

“There is also the Palestinian issue. I hope that China and Russia will be able to put a little pressure on Israel, as no one at the moment seems to be able to reason” about its military intervention in Gaza, he underlines.

” Very strong ”

Russia and China regularly coordinate at the UN or to denounce what they present as American hegemony over the world. Moscow also supports Beijing in its claims to sovereignty over Taiwan.

“Each of the two countries is capable of meeting the needs of the other in certain areas,” underlines Ian Wu, 29, who works in the administration, to explain the good image of Vladimir Putin in China.

“This is his first trip abroad since his inauguration” on May 7 and “it is an important point” because “it shows that Sino-Russian friendship remains very strong,” he believes.

Bilateral relations are good, says Linda Li, a 45-year-old accountant, referring to the improvement in ties since the 1990s, after the Sino-Soviet divisions of the Cold War.

“Besides, I don’t know much about politics. I’m not too interested in it. But I always found Putin very handsome! “, she told AFP, smiling.

Horse and fishing

Vladimir Putin likes to cultivate his image as a virile man who indulges in sporting activities.

The Chinese media, very oriented by the communist government, have for years published flattering videos and photos of the Russian president on horseback, fishing, piloting a plane, playing ice hockey or practicing judo.

Coupled with his image as an intractable leader who resists the West, these images have forged a reputation in China as a strong man.

“I think he exudes a lot of confidence and I have the impression that he likes to exercise,” says Keira Che, 30, who works in finance. “He’s someone who has charisma. »

She also said she hoped the visit would help stimulate economic relations.

“For normal people, that’s always the most important thing,” she emphasizes. “I hope this can improve the standard of living of the population. »

source site-59