visit or co-host a program of France Bleu Alsace or Elsass, register

Organized by the association for the festival of radio and approved by Arcom, the second edition of the radio party will be held on June 2 and 3, 2022 throughout France with a high point, an event at the Seine Musicale. For two days, your radio station France Bleu celebrates, with your listeners, to allow you to discover all the facets of this medium, from its broadcasting to its reception, whether analog or digital, live or deferred.

It’s also a chance for you to be able to participate in a guided tour of the premises of France Bleu Alsace and France Bleu Elsass to discover the different radio professions and meet your favorite presenters, and we also offer you the possibility of co-hosting a radio program for those who have always dreamed of knowing behind the scenes and participating in it.

To participate in this event which takes place on June 2 and 3 at the premises of France Bleu in Alsace, you have a choice. Please make sure you are available on the days of the visits. Places being limited, we will make a selection among those registered.

Guided tour: register

Take part in the guided tour of the premises of your radio station, 4 rue Joseph Massol in Strasbourg. A visit on Thursday morning, another on Friday morning.

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Co-host a show: register

Participate in the co-hosting of a show. You will have the opportunity to take the microphone and express yourself alongside one of our facilitators. For France Bleu Elsass broadcasts, you are asked to speak Alsatian.

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Embark on the Batorama shuttle with France Bleu Elsass: register

Take part in the France Bleu Elsass show. Embark on the Batorama shuttle on Friday June 3 from 4 p.m. to 5.15 p.m. with our guest, Jacqueline Baltzer, president of the Fédération des Bouchers Charcutiers d’Alsace. Attention, it is in Alsatian!

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Also take part in the 100% VIP Happy hour show with Thierry Kallo, on the water with Batorama, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday June 3, register on

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