Visit of Pope Francis to Marseille: at the Vélodrome stadium, the sovereign pontiff celebrates a mass in front of 62,000 people



Video duration:
2 min


Article written by

franceinfo – A. Lay, S. Accarias, S. Soualmia, R. Fiorucci, C. Ferrer, S. Matthieu, S. Lapera, A. Canestraro

France Televisions

Saturday September 23, Pope Francis celebrated a mass in front of nearly 62,000 people at the Vélodrome stadium in Marseille. In his homily, the sovereign pontiff notably denounced the selfishness and withdrawal into oneself of the current world.

Pope Francis received a standing ovation as soon as he entered popemobile in the Stade Vélodrome, in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône)Saturday September 23. The sovereign pontiff touches the heart. He kisses an infant whom he blesses. In this temple of football, OM supporters had promised a surprise, a tifo giant with the image of the pope. The stadium was transformed into a cathedral in the space of an afternoon. 62,000 people vibrate in unison when they see the Holy Fathersome have tears in their eyes.

Selfishness and withdrawal

Hello Marseille, hello France.“Pope Francis begins in French. This language that he masters poorly, but which he wants to honor until the end of his visit. In the tribune find Emmanuel Macron and his wife. At the heart of his homily, the Pope denounces in particular the selfishness and withdrawal into oneself of the current world. At the end of his speech, the Archbishop of Marseille, who had initiated his visit, paid tribute to him: I believe that this evening, even the Good Mother has a tear in her eye.” These words make him smile and resonate in the hearts of the people of Marseillais.

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