Visions of feminism collide in the National Assembly

The vision of feminism held by the office of the Minister responsible for the Status of Women, Martine Biron, differs from that of the opposition parties.

Intersectional feminism, supported among others by Québec solidaire, aims to “recognize all forms of discrimination in society and their joint effect,” explains MP Ruba Ghazal. “In the movements that reflect on these questions, there is a consensus,” she adds. “It’s really basic. »

“This is not our vision of feminism,” said Ms. Biron’s office, however, in a statement sent to the Duty.

Ms. Ghazal presented a motion without notice at the Blue Room on Tuesday with the Liberal Party of Quebec and the Parti Québécois, in view of March 8, International Women’s Day.

In particular, it aimed for the National Assembly to encourage “gender-differentiated analysis from an intersectional perspective in order to defend the rights of all women in Quebec”. This is a request from the Collectif 8 mars, which is made up of union and feminist organizations.

However, the motion did not receive consent to be debated and was therefore not put to a vote. “We find it a shame not to have been able to join the motion,” said the office of the Minister responsible for the Status of Women. He explains that he wanted to remove the part concerning intersectionality, but Québec solidaire “refused”.

Martine Biron’s cabinet nevertheless assures that it will mark the day of March 8, when the “time comes”.

The motion also sought that Quebec MPs take note that “from generation to generation, in the street or in the private sphere, feminists fight every day to have their rights respected and that in a rich diversity, they unite to fight against phenomena that widen the gaps such as the increase in gender-based violence and the exacerbation of inequalities”.

Further details will follow.

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