“Vision drum”, Bertrand Belin | The duty

It will be said of Bertrand Belin’s sixth career album that he completes his electro / new wave transformation that began three years ago with the excellent personas, but in truth, the musical aesthetic borrowed by the phlegmatic Breton has never mattered so much. Folk at the time of the splendid Hypernight (2010), more rock on the following ones Parks (2013) and Cape Waller (2015), we really only retained his words and the voice that carries them. This feather steeped in intuition, in the observation of people and situations, of the small gesture and the great emotion “lost in your hair, lost on your hand / lost, great love, lost little thing”, sings he on Cleared of your doubts, on a drum machine and synthetic violins, with the plaintive breath of the saxophone in the finale. On Drum and Alleluiaamong other things, he even plays it David Bowie, era Scary Monsters. Belin, poetic dandy of modern French song, extends his register without losing his casualness, delicious on Fuck it all and You saw his face.

vision drum

★★★ 1/2


Bertrand Belin, Five 7/Wagram

To see in video

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