Video length: 3 min
Paris 2024: virtual reality at the service of athletes
Paris 2024: virtual reality at the service of athletes
(France 2)
Two weeks before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, we dive into the preparation of the athletes, who are benefiting from the latest innovations. Athletics, boxing, cycling… More and more of them are using virtual reality to prepare for the Games.
Alone in a ring at INSEP, Billal Bennama, a boxer on the French team, is in the middle of a fight. Facing him is a very realistic digital opponent and spectators. The virtual reality exercise is done in real conditions. “Mentally, it helps me get into combat condition and manage my stress.”he explains.
On the side of the ring, his trainer advises him live. For the French Boxing Federation, virtual reality is anything but a gadget. The goal is to personalize the athletes’ training, without the risk of taking a bad hit. “This allows us to reduce the number of injuries that would be possible after an intense session like this.”comments Chloé Lesenne, the Federation’s performance manager.
The programme was launched four years ago by academics. More than a million euros have already been invested. Athletics has also taken the plunge.